Friday, January 30, 2009

I've Come Home And Am Having Chocolate First Thing

For some reason coming home I became very stressed.

1. Because UAMS hospital is going to turn Ray Winder ballpark into a parking lot
2. Because I listened to pop radio and civilization really is doomed
3. Because there was a multiple car wreck on I-630


desiree said...

A ballpark?! that's horrible!

desiree said...

Haha! I meant to be horrified about the parking lot, not the ballpark!

Unknown said...

L-Money...I will need to bring you up to speed on why the tragidy of a parking lot might be the best option for the wreck of the old ballpark...not a huge fan but in the long run UAMS employs people and will build a new building on the site to help with cancer treatment. That being said I am sad the old ballpark has to go.

About Me

Little Rock, Arkansas
I work at a local museum, date a lovely boy, and with my free time procrastinate on things like blogs.