Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Book Love: newspaper edition

I am sitting here at Waffle House while Cross Tire and Auto changes my tires, and I have a Sunday NYT to help me pass the time. And it is beautiful. I read the paper like this maybe once or twice a year. And that trend, writ large, is probably what is killing newspapers. The Internet is so much easier. But every once in a while, with a sheaf of papers that is like a finished book, a novel and a history and a how-to volume summarizing the world as of that day, you can't help but feel a spasm of admiration for what a newspaper tries to do. I wish just now that AR was a true wilderness and a paper might arrive once every few months, let's say the Sunday Times, and you would read it exhaustedly, like a novel, and let the wider world impinge on you no more than that.


Tyler Green at Modern Art Notes interviews Lisa Phillips of the New Museum: part I, part II

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Museum Blowback

See William Powhinda's cover for The Brooklyn Rail: How the New Museum Committed Suicide. Also a nice little summary of 50 years of cynicism about the way the art world really works.

Here, by the way, is the link to the Roberta Smith NYT review of the current Urs Fischer show in that space, which Powhida was able to mine for one damning quote.

Calvin Tomkins had a feature on Urs Fishcer a few New Yorkers ago. Really what Marcia Tucker, now deceased founder of the New Museum, had in mind?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hansel und Gretel

... opened a sweat shop. Just kidding. We were all here because we wanted to be, 1. because it is gingerbread 2. because gingerbread is an art form (see Carmen, sweet things expert) and 3. because THINC does great work

And look how many survived! Even with Jeremy's ravenous appetite! The key is to feed the us discarded gingerbread chips. Hansel said he learned that tip from the wicked witch.

About Me

Little Rock, Arkansas
I work at a local museum, date a lovely boy, and with my free time procrastinate on things like blogs.