Thursday, November 5, 2009

Book Love: newspaper edition

I am sitting here at Waffle House while Cross Tire and Auto changes my tires, and I have a Sunday NYT to help me pass the time. And it is beautiful. I read the paper like this maybe once or twice a year. And that trend, writ large, is probably what is killing newspapers. The Internet is so much easier. But every once in a while, with a sheaf of papers that is like a finished book, a novel and a history and a how-to volume summarizing the world as of that day, you can't help but feel a spasm of admiration for what a newspaper tries to do. I wish just now that AR was a true wilderness and a paper might arrive once every few months, let's say the Sunday Times, and you would read it exhaustedly, like a novel, and let the wider world impinge on you no more than that.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

How true - newspapers still contain some nostalgic fragrance of a simpler time. I like the crinkle of the paper itself.

About Me

Little Rock, Arkansas
I work at a local museum, date a lovely boy, and with my free time procrastinate on things like blogs.