Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good Mornin'

Up late last night with a friend's Happy Engagement shrimp boil/hurricane watch party. In consequence slept in this morning, together with a sister who was traveling until midnight last night. A few minutes ago we shared groggy-eyed a pot of tea and caught up, which makes this one of the nicest Sunday mornings I've had in a while.

Random thought on music: so much more enjoyable if you are the listener to know the musician and know the flaws. Not a question of live vs. recording but personal vs. impersonal. Personal is so much better, where my sister smiles before she hits a certain passage, where the hitches are. I'm not surprised by amazing music on a disk, but I am always astonished to see a person play it. Is that irrational?

I have Schubert's G-flat impromptu on disk. Alfred Brendel no less. My sister on the piano this morning with the same piece. Her first instrument but not her best and really only has snatches of it down. But when she plays it's not some purity found in nature but something to be approached note by note, first by Schubert, then later by my Dad, then later with the kids lying under the piano to hear the notes reverberate down on top of them, then later by my sister playing around on Sunday morning.

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About Me

Little Rock, Arkansas
I work at a local museum, date a lovely boy, and with my free time procrastinate on things like blogs.