Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Woo Hoo Zoo!

Zoo digs in vs. UAMS over the old Ray Winder ballpark. I hope the zoo prevails. That land is a city park. No need to turn it into asphalt acreage, no matter no great a hospital is next door.

The Little Rock Zoo could use the expansion too. For a long time it was like a period piece. When I went to the zoo as a child the structures were all basically untouched from when they went up in the 1930s with mortar and native Arkansas stone, courtesy of Roosevelt and the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Having that all unchanged for so long gave the park a quaint atmosphere. But the cages, though they looked impressive to my six year old eyes, reflected a different age in standards, and the zoo lost its accreditation a few years back. Instead of plowing under everything they could, the zoo's renovations have brought things up to date without losing the flavor of the old park. Now they are fully accredited and looking to expand. Let's let them.

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About Me

Little Rock, Arkansas
I work at a local museum, date a lovely boy, and with my free time procrastinate on things like blogs.